The zip code 63105 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 17,667 people living in zip code 63105. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63105 zip code is $89,750. The median age of the residents is 30 years old (which is 29 years old for males and 31 years old for females).
Shopping and Dining in Clayton Missouri Link
The Center of Clayton Recreation Complex Link
Clayton Missouri Police Headquarters Link
Business District in Clayton Missouri Link
Clayton MO Business District Link
Barry-Wehmiller Company in Clayton MO Link
Oak Knoll Park Gardens Link
Clayton Business District Link
Business District in Clayton Missouri Link
Aquatic Center in Shaw Park in Clayton MO Link
Centene Corporation Link
The gardens at the Historic Hanley House Link
Business District in Clayton Missouri Link
St Louis County Courts Building in Clayton Missouri Link
The St Louis Artist Guild in Oak Knoll Park in Clayton MO Link
Metrolink Station in Clayton Missouri Link
The Center of Clayton Recreation Complex Link
Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Belden, Caleres Shoe Company, Centene Corporation, Clayton Business District, Clayton Business District, Clayton High School, Clayton Missouri, Concordia Seminary in Clayton Missouri, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Fontbonne University, Graybar, Historic Hanley House, Mid-County Branch-St Louis County Library, Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center, Oak Knoll Park, Olin Corporation, PERMANENTLY CLOSED - Furniture Brands International Inc, Shaw Park, St Louis Hillel at Washington University, St. Louis Artist Guild, The Center of Clayton, The Center of Clayton Aquatic Center, The Chapel in Clayton Missouri, US Post Office-Clayton Branch,